The Treasury Select Committee want to hear from Bob Diamond. Ed Miliband calls for criminal investigation. Diamond announces that he and fellow senior managers at Barclays will forgo their bonus for this year.
Coming on top of revelations of widespread tax evasion by the wealthy, and at a moment when cuts in welfare benefits are starting having real effect, the incongruities are stark. Efforts by the Government to persuade its citizens that ‘ we are all in it together’ prompt increasing derision.
What we have yet to hear is any estimate of the impact of manipulation of LIBOR and EURIBOR. Whatever gains accrued to Barclays traders were losses for somebody down the line.
For how long can the Government continue to insist that banks such as RBS and LloydsTSB should be returned to the safe and trusted hands of the private sector, as soon as their share price allows? And when will the public have their chance to ask direct questions of banking bosses, in a forum such as proposed on this website?